Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Of Women's Lib

"...we can drive, we can vote, we can work... What more do these broads want?!!!" - Phoebe Buffay

I think feminists in this day and age are superfluous or rather obsolete. Dont get me wrong. I am not against women's equality or (being more pragmatic) superiority over men. I am jus saying if we are those things, why do we need someone else to fight for us.
Besides in a country where 54% of the WOMEN population believe wife beating to be ok... what more can be done.

There is this side and then there is the other side (i, ofcourse, being an important part of it). I hear and see women bristling at even the slightest implication of chauvinism. And then i hear musings - (sigh) "Whatever happened to chivalry?"(sigh sigh sigh)

Quoting a strange conversation with a friend who would like her identity as a flake to be kept under wraps.

"We were entering a pub. He not only walked ahead of me, but the SOB didnt even hold the door open for me and i broke my nose when the door slammed shut on my face. Then the insensitive cheapskate actually told me that i could give him my share of the bill the next time we meet. Is this how you treat a woman?!!!" (i could see steam comming off her ears by the way)

Now what makes me hide her identity is the fact that she is one hundered percent Miss I-dont-need-men- i- can-take-care-of-myself. She holds rites and rituals on women's lib day for cryin out loud!!!

And though i sympathize with her, i really do. And i tell her in my most soothing voice " If you can be alert enough to prickle at the slightest utterance of sexism, shouldn't really be that difficult putting your hand out and stopping the door before it whacks your face right? Or better yet, instead of preening you could for once actually see where you are going. Of course if it has something to do with your reflexes, you might need medical help."
Needless to say, i havent seen her sadly mutilated face or her unfortunately nasal voice in a while.

For those of you who covet chivalry( I, having learnt my lesson, am thankfully removed from this) albeit secretly, you cant have your cake and eat it too. Because lets face it -men Are Chauvinistic pigs! And those chivalrous gentlemen of the 1800's might be romantic when they pick up your hanky or help you get in the carriage or get you a glass of lukewarm punch at the slightest gesture, but what after that. Let me paint you a little picture...

"I forbid you to straddle the horse when you go riding!"

" I shan't allow you to cause a scandal by strolling alone in the park!"

"You may not speak to the lady in red simply because I say so!" duh, she's my mistress.

" You shan't speak to another gentleman until you have obtained my express permission!"

"You may not address me by my given name unless I give you leave!"

"Your marriage vows require you to obey me. Now KNEEL!!!"

And i ask you - Chivalry? Really?!!!

I'd rather work on my reflexes or nurse a bloody nose.

Eventually it all boils down to this. One can either be told what to do or one can tell oneself what to do.But one needs to take a stand. And drop the ' Quivering Missus Prickly Drangon' act. Because Belieeeeveee me, Its bloody old!


  1. Interesting perspective, coming from a woman.

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  4. interesting read.. quiet funny too..
    i must agree though it is rather hypocritical, isnt't it? despising and preaching about chauvinism and at the same time worrying that chivalry is becoming extinct!

    you do paint a very pretty picture on chivalry though! :-)
