Friday, September 7, 2007


Where exactly is this line that seperates desperate yearning for sweet revenge and total indifference whatsoever, especially at that time, when you are sure to get it?

Why are people with tattoos judged as they are?

Does "Love" exist?

Who exactly are "Friends"?

What is the garentee that all your hopes for the future will not be shattered?

Is there a "God"?
How does it matter if he is or is not there?

Do any of Dan Brown's books have even a tiny smidgen of truth in them?

P.S- In the time to come i will try to answer a few of this relatively pointless questions so please feel free to respond to these now so i might include them in my posts ( quoted of course!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nitya, the blog reads great, but would it be wise to disclose so much of your personality. Do think over it, after all you are unique and may want to maintain it. But certainly your thoughts are touching in more than one ways. Very deap but one can quickly relate to self. Am not sure are you hurt, do share.

  3. Hey Nitya...this blog is really interesting.......specially for me..because i sport a tatoo and people are very judgemental about me .....there are more than one ways that i can relate to ur blog .....good job keep going ...looking forward to ur ansers ....specially the tattoo one

  4. What is the garentee that all your hopes for the future will not be shattered?

    Is there a "God"?

    If u think closely these two questions are interrelated. For most people god is that invisible answer which human mind always seek . There is no guarantee in life for anything...thats why we HOPE ..which in itslef is something u wish for and u rnot sure will come true..but u still do it...coz yr instincts tell u to and u put yr faith into it. Now for some people that faith translates into god..coz u dont have all the answers and u cant control everything so u seek an answer and u put yrself to test and sometimes against yr wits. U may have seen instances where things dont have logical conclusion or logical pattern but they happen...and that is why u feel a presence of God..

  5. Are you meaning to tell me atheists have no hope in life?

  6. You wanted answers.. here are your answers....

    1. Yes God Exists
    2. The one on whose shoulder you feel like crying after a hard day.... or feel like sharing a part of you with....!!!
    3. There's no guarantee... its a gamble... worth a risk though ;)
    4. It matters when you really need him.. it matters when you dont....
    5. Dan Brown.... well... i dont know if anu truth is in them or not.... but they sell dont they ;)
